Main Theme: Challenges for Future European Integration
11-12 November 2006, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
The 1st Day
1. Plenary Session (13:00-15:10) (In Japanese)
Chairperson: Takashi OKAMURA, Professor, Sophia University
(1) Toshiro TANAKA, Jean Monnet Professor, Keio University
Past Records and Future Vector of European Integration (to be confirmed)
(2) Shigeyasu OSABE, Professor, Hosei University
French identity crisis: French Social Model and European Integration
(3) Yasuji ISHIGAKI, Professor, Tokai University
European Integration and Anti-terrorism Policy: The roles of the member states, the European Commission and the European Parliament in the making of the EU response to the global threat of terrorism
Short Break (15:10-15:30)
2. Plenary Session (15:30-17:20) (In Japanese / English)
Chairperson: Hiroshi OKUMA, Professor, Seijo University
(1) Koji FUKUDA, Professor, Waseda University
Evaluation and New Public Management in the European Union
(2) Antonio Missiroli, Professor, European Policy Center
On the future of a Constitution for Europe
Buffet Dinner (18:00-20:00)
The 2nd Day (Sessions in Japanese)
1. Group Sessions (10:00-12:00)
Group A
Chairperson: Takao SUAMI, Professor, Waseda University
(1) Yuka AOYAGI, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Law, Waseda University
Application of EC Competition Law on Public Services
(2) Hideaki TADA, Professor, Toyo University
Decentralised Enforcement of EC Competition Law: On the Occasion of the 5th Enlargement –
(3) Takuma OBASE, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Law, Waseda University
Convergence and Divergence between Basic Freedoms of Internal Market
Group B
Chairperson: Katsuhiro SHOJI, Jean Monnet Professor, Keio University
(1) Jun INOUE, Ph.D. Candidate, Keio University
The Politics of GMO in the European Union
(2) Hiromi UEDA, Professor of Law, Asia University
M & A in the Internal Market: Free Movement of Capital and Freedom of Establishment –
(3) Toru HARADA, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Law, Waseda University
The Concept of “Services of general interest” and the proposed “Service Directive”
Group C
Chairperson: Mineko USUI, Professor, Komazawa Women’s University
(1) Olena MYKAL, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Law, Waseda University
Security Policies of Japan and the European Union: Searching for Commonalities
(2) Shin KANEKO, Lecturer, Keiai University
German Integration and ‘Euro-Atlantic Community’, 1954-1955
(3) Mei KUDO, Research Associate, Tsuda College
Britain and the European Payments Union
Lunch Time (12:00-13:00)
2. Afternoon Session (13:20-15:30)
Chairperson: Masami KODAMA, Professor, Kurume University
(1) Misako NISHIO, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics University of Tokyo
The idea and reality of “European Social Model”
(2) Yuko HOSOI, Lecturer, Hosei University
The Possibility for Direct Democracy in the European Communities
(3) Yoji KOYAMA, Professor, Niigata University
EU’s Southeastward Enlargement and Challenges for the Western Balkans