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日時 2014年10月17日(金)14時40分~16時10分
場所 一橋大学国立東キャンパスマーキュリータワー5階EUSI事務局会議室3503
参加自由 無料(事前予約不要) 言語 英語
司会 中西優美子(一橋大学大学院法学研究科教授、EUSI執行委員)

フェルディナンド ヴォレンシュレーガー(ドイツ・アウグスブルク大学教授)
テーマ EU環境法における現代的課題
場所日時 2014年10月28日 如水会館3階 富士の間
事前予約要( EUSI事務局(新谷・渡辺)まで

開場 10時20分 開始 10時50分


日時 2014年10月30日(木)10時35分~12時05分
場所 一橋大学国立東キャンパスマーキュリータワー5階EUSI事務局会議室3503
参加自由 無料(事前予約不要) 言語 英語
司会 中西優美子(一橋大学教授、EUSI執行委員)

テーマ EU環境法の原則:評価
ドイツ・トリア大学教授 アレクサンダー・プレルス

2015年7月8-10日、パリ政治学院で開催される”2015 International Conference of Europeanists”のお知らせです。

The Council for European Studies (CES) welcomes proposals for the “2015 International Conference of Europeanists” to be held July 8-10, 2015, at Sciences Po Paris, France.

The submissions portal is now open. To submit a proposal, visit our website for more information: .

Attached please find the Call for Papers with all relevant details. PDF attachment


Ms. Henrike Dessaules
Program Coordinator
Council for European Studies | Columbia University
420 West 118th Street, MC 3307
New York, NY 10027
T: 212-854-4172 | F: 212-854-8808



“Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures” Paris, France * July 8-10, 2015
Organized by the Council for European Studies

In many historical moments, Europe’s futures have seemed not simply open and uncertain, but replete with contradiction. Similarly, in contemporary Europe, the responses of both ordinary Europeans and the continent’s collective institutions to the challenges posed by crisis again constitute a series of contradictions–many of which reiterate large questions from Europe’s past, while also affecting the ability of social forces to imagine possible futures.

Today, Europe is a space within which the principle of social solidarity appears firmly rooted, yet also one in which the politics of austerity threaten to erode welfare state commitments. It is a context in which supra-national institutions and transnational social connections have progressed far, but also the scene of substantial efforts to reassert nationalism. It is a setting in which many are disenchanted with mainstream politics, yet also challenged by the possible growth of new movements. These and other tensions manifest themselves in individual lives, social relations, institutions, and collective projects.

Thus, for its 2015 conference, the Council for European Studies (CES) invites proposals for panels, roundtables, book discussions, and individual papers that examine such opposing tendencies and, facing forward, consider the many potential futures emerging from the European crisis. We encourage proposals in the widest range of disciplines, and, in particular, proposals that combine disciplines, nationalities, and generations. Although it is not mandatory that papers be related to the conference theme, papers that do so are especially welcome. The Committee will accept only two submissions per person as attendees may only present in a maximum of two sessions.

We strongly encourage participants to submit their proposals as part of an organized panel. Full panel proposals will be given top priority in the selection process by the Program Committee. Participants may find it useful to connect with like-minded scholars through the growing number of CES Research Networks.

Proposals may be submitted from August 18 to October 10, 2014. Participants will be notified of the Committee’s decisions by December 18, 2014. Information on how to submit will be posted on the Council’s website and disseminated through its newsletter. To subscribe to the CES newsletter, join the CES mailing list today.

For more information, please visit:




送付:「EU学会NL33」とタイトルをつけて、メール本文にてご送付ください: (+部分を@にする)



学会年報バックナンバーのJ-STAGEでの公開について 。

『日本EU学会年報』については、発行後2年を経過した時点で、JST(科学技術振興機構)の総合電子ジャーナルプラットフォーム J- STAGE にて公開されております。

この度、鷲江義勝理事(電子ジャー ナル担当)のご尽力により、『日本EU学会年報』第32号(2012年)が、新たに公開されましたのでお知らせいたします。

なお、学会誌『日本EC・研究者大会』、『日本EC 学会年報』及び今回公開分より前の『日本EU 学会年報』のバックナンバーに関しても、当該サイトにて全ての掲載論文の閲覧が可能となっております。ご活用ください。

日本EU学会事務局長 小久保康之


Call for Papers: 22nd International Conference of Europeanists
“Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures”
Paris, France • July 8-10, 2015

pdf こちら

Organized by the Council for European Studies
In many historical moments, Europe’s futures have seemed not simply open and uncertain, but replete with contradiction. Similarly, in contemporary Europe, the responses of both ordinary Europeans and the continent’s collective institutions to the challenges posed by crisis again constitute a series of contradictions—many of which reiterate large questions from Europe’s past, while also affecting the ability of social forces to imagine possible futures.

Today, Europe is a space within which the principle of social solidarity appears firmly rooted, yet also one in which the politics of austerity threaten to erode welfare state commitments. It is a context in which supra-national institutions and transnational social connections have progressed far, but also the scene of substantial efforts to reassert nationalism. It is a setting in which many are disenchanted with mainstream politics, yet also challenged by the possible growth of new movements. These and other tensions manifest themselves in individual lives, social relations, institutions, and collective projects.

Thus, for its 2015 conference, the Council for European Studies (CES) invites proposals for panels, roundtables, book discussions, and individual papers that examine such opposing tendencies and, facing forward, consider the many potential futures emerging from the European crisis. We encourage proposals in the widest range of disciplines, and, in particular, proposals that combine disciplines, nationalities, and generations. Although it is not mandatory that papers be related to the conference theme, papers that do so are especially welcome. The Committee will accept only two submissions per person as attendees may only present in a maximum of two sessions.

We strongly encourage participants to submit their proposals as part of an organized panel. Full panel proposals will be given top priority in the selection process by the Program Committee. Participants may find it useful to connect with like-minded scholars through the growing number of CES Research Networks.
Proposals may be submitted from August 18 to October 10, 2014. Participants will be notified of the Committee’s decisions by December 18, 2014. Information on how to submit will be posted on the Council’s website and disseminated through its newsletter. To subscribe to the CES newsletter, join the CES mailing list today.
For more information, please visit:

To unsubscribe from future mailings, email us at: 
Council for European Studies (CES) 420 West 118th Street Suite 1209, MC3307 New York, NY 10027

アジア太平洋EU学会の2014年度大会(5月1-2日@メルボルン)の案内とCall for Papersお知らせ。

大会テーマは“EU in the shadow of Asia?: Changing relationships between the EU and the Asia Pacific”です。 こちら
当初の受付期間が極めて短く、かつ執行部の手違いにより締切りを過ぎてしまっておりますが、その後先方からは3月2日まで受付を延長する旨連絡が あり、さらに須網理事長の方でさらに1週間から10日延長できないか現在交渉中です。短期間での受付で、かつ不確定要素が伴い、誠に申し訳ございませんが、至急検討いただき、ご応募いただきたくお願 い申し上げる次第です。なお、ご応募の際には、その旨、事務局岩田 <> にもご一報お願いたします。





日本EU学会第35回(2014年度)研究大会報告希望および『日本EU学会年報』第35号 執筆希望の受付。

2014年11月8日(土)・9日(日)、立正大学(大崎キャンパス)にて開催される日本EU学会第35回(2014年 度)研究大会の報告希望および学会誌『日本EU学会年報』第35号の執筆希望を受け付けます。締切は2014年3月15日(土)(必着)です。会員の皆様は、 どうか奮ってご応募ください(会員ではない方は、先ず こちらのページを参照いただき入会申し込みをお済ませのうえ、ご応募ください)。
